Meme related accessory suggestions
Posted by PurpleSecretAgent on Feb 5th 2023, 3:25AM
Hello, these suggestions/ideas are actually not from me but I find them interesting, I would like to hear your opinions on each of them, I'd like to introduce you 3 concept items which 3 people who brought this and deserve a credit:

1. "Walmart Sicarius" by EllernateFan
If it were me, I would name this as "Brickmart Sicarius" to avoid copyright.

2. "Brick Cranberry" by Retro
A can containing liquid made out of cranberries turned into a drink, it should be delicious, right?

3. "KFC Rocket Launcher" by Wraith
I would name this as "BFC (Brick's Fried Chicken) Rocket Launcher" instead, the reason is as the same as the 1st one and everybody loves chicken so, it makes sense to add a weapon that fires friend chickens.

What do you guys think? any more meme related accessory ideas? feel free to share your own one!
Posted by EllernateFan on Feb 6th 2023, 4:26PM

Noob sign, Troll face mask, backwards gun, meme faces.

Mhm yep