what u guys moderation opinon
Posted by Gay Furry Lord on Apr 24th 2024, 6:29PM
do you guys like real life moderators (what brickplanet has)
or robot moderators (what roblox has)

i will list all the pros and cons of each that i can think of

pros of real life moderators (based on bp)
actually bans innapropriate stuff
you can dm a mod and they'll delete it fairly quicky (ping isaac in the discord for a report itll get banend very fast)
they aren't stupid
bans you for fair reasoning

cons of real life moderators (based on bp)
since there is only like 8 moderators, anything needing manual approval will either take forever or be done somewhat quickly.
pretty slow to ban stuff if you dont tell them
they can be biased towards specific users
appeals take 9939202020494203945020 years (a little exaggerated)

now for ai moderation pros and cons!! (based on roblox)

veeery fast (upload any decal or audio it gets approved or denied in like 10 seconds, even if the audio is over 10 second idk how they do that)

not biased

accepts or denies appeal relatively quick (i usually get a response in 2-5 minutes for asset appeals and a few hours for support form requests and 1 day for ban appeals)

wont ban you for commonly made jokes (doin ya mom)

cons of ai moderation
they permanently ban stuff with the tiniest bit of blood (might be real people doing this one but i dont know)

sometimes its completely random if you get denied or not, you could upload 20 variants of the same thing and one of them will probably be banned)

realistic females are banned (even if they have clothing)

doesn't moderate the bad users sometimes (the people who like children) real moderators would never let that slide..

probably alot more

ok thats it if you disagree with any of my opinions then leave a reply or something byeeeee
Posted by EllernateFan on Apr 24th 2024, 11:09PM
I am always available to be a moderator intern if BP wants! c:
Posted by 86 on Apr 25th 2024, 12:36AM
no moderation >