Things that need to be on brickplanet
Posted by BrickChachiH3re on Jul 21st 2023, 6:20PM
1: Do not disturb mode-So I want this to be added. Because I'll be on brickplanet talking to my friend. And I make lots of posts. And a lot of people see them. So they all reply to it. And I have an extension so whenever some posts on my profile or reply to my post. I get a notification. And I keep hearing my notification ring every minutes. What if some other players have the same thing happen to them. And when you turn do not disturb on. It hides ur posts,Account,And Guild. 2: Pinned comment on guild- What if it was like the rules of the group. Or like an update about the guild. I have heard one of my friends say that he hates that he can't make a pinned comment on his 5 guilds he owns. 3:Change the color of your profile-So brickplanet is kinda classic. And it's this roblox extension called Ropro. And you an customize the color of your profile. And I kinda want it to be like that on brickplanet.(Thanks for reading this thread!)